Dec 30, 2009

I Have a Great Dad!!!

P.S: This happened at 18/12 but i leave till now cause this is the birthday present for my dad who are 46 at 27/12.

I have a great dad!

Why do I suddenly say so?

Because my dad is really great!

Today I went shopping with my sister. While I pass by my dad’s office, we plan to fraud him for lunch. When I reach his office, he smiles so happily even though he saw a group of fraudster! Which are us. That’s him! My cute dad… Dad’s colleagues say:”Wow! How nice! All your daughters are grown up now!” ”Wow! Great for you! Your daughters are so beautiful!” Even those are courtesy, but they still made my dad so cheerful. “Happily ever after”, that’s what he looks like now. Added:” All my princesses are here! I have to knock from work now!” Dad’s expression makes me feel so sweet.

我们去 Timesquare 吃了午餐,我就载爸爸回公司。接下来打算去Pavilion,而爸说他刚好有文件要交给总公司,地点也在那附近。
We went to Timesquare to have our lunch. After that, I dropped my dad back to office. We planned to go to Pavilion after that, and dad said he had a document needed to submit to main branch which situated near to Pavilion.

Dad:”Wait me for a while! Few minutes! Ok?”
Ok, my honored dad had sound out, what can I do?
After 30 minutes…
He was out from office finally.
Me:”Dad! You had taken so long time! You told me a moment right? This time now went to Pavilion will be extremely jam!”
Dad that was running around in circles:”Oh! I haven’t photocopied this document! A moment please! I’ll be quick!”
Rushed away again…He was not paying attention! @#$%^&*
After 10 minutes…
Dad:”Let me drive! Your speed is slow!”
Ok! Ok! Go ahead!

一路上去着Pavilion,我们3姐妹都一直在笑爸爸。打错signal啦,镜子搅不下来啦,wiper不会开啦。。小妹就说:“爸爸驾惯 ben si 不会驾cheap cheap的saga 的啦!”在我还来不及骂小妹诋毁我的宝贝女儿 pooh saga时,爸就说:“做么驾不惯哦?我以前也是驾saga的,那时候的logo还是星星月亮的咧!”接下来的一番话,我真的觉得爸爸很棒。。。
On the way heading to Pavilion, 3 of us kept giggled at dad’s back. Wrong signaling, unable to roll down the mirror, unable to on the wiper etc. Ni said:” Dad used to Benz, he will not suit to saga which is cheap like this…” Before I scold her for criticizing my baby pooh saga, dad responded:”Who said that I can’t use to it? I drove saga last time, the logo for proton that time was still a star and a moon!” The conversation below really made me respect my great dad…

“那时候没有钱买车,怎么办?做工,去site,还是什么都要用车。买二手车啦!二手saga 5000块而已。买了哦,开始驾驾下冷气出白烟还以为是冷气很冷,还吹到很爽。结果热到要死才知道原来水滚了!吓死我啊!那辆车啊,塞车的时候哦。塞塞下也会水滚的,每次就停在路边然后等它冷咯。别的车就honk到要死咯!在那边骂什么烂车咯!车尾厢还要放一支支大大罐的水,不是拿来喝的啊!是给它水滚了啊,冷下来了装的啊。有一次车给lori撞到旁边镜子破掉拿plastic包住咯。前面镜撞到歪了有洞,下雨会漏水。没关系啦,车底砖2个洞给水流下去啦。然后买那种胶水粘咯,久了胶水会硬的嘛。有什么办法?没有钱修车。那时候啊!哼!没有钱打油怎么办?5块钱也打啦!那时候打油不是现在这样的嘛。你给那个人钱然后他再打的,每次打他就讲har! lima ringgit sahaja ah?!怎样?没有钱。有时候两块钱都打啊!”
“No money for car that period, what to do? Went for work la, site or what ah, a car is a must. Buy second hand la! After bought it, while driving ah, air cond give out puffs of white smoke. I thought that the air cond is cold enough. I still enjoy it and very happy. At last when it went hotter and hotter only I realized it’s the engine water boiled up! I really got a shocked! That car ah, when traffic jam ah, the water will boil too. In the middle of jam, every time has to stop at the roadside and wait for it to cool down lo. Other cars will honk as loud as they can lo! Complaining what an old, useless car lo! In my boot ah, there are a large amount of water in a lot of big containers, not for drinking ah! Is for after the boiled engine water cool down and refill one ah! You know ah, got once my car banged by a truck and the left side mirror gone already, how? Use plastic wrapped it lo. After accident, front mirror have a hole, when raining, rain water will flow in. Never mind la! Buy the glue and sealed it up la, after some time, the glue will harden one ma! Or else what to do? No money to repair. At that time ah! Heng! No money to refuel how? 5 ringgit also refuels la! At that time petrol station is not the same like now. You pay to the worker and he refuel for you want ma. Every time when paying, then he will said:” har! Lima ringgit sahaja ah?! How? No money. Sometimes 2 ringgit also needed to refuel ah!”

就是这一段话。就是这一段很普通的往事只能回味的话。爸爸说的时候的语气,有一种苦尽甘来的感觉。爸爸的风光史,我们3个女儿知道的不多。他也很少特意说出来,可是从这种小事就知道爸爸是很棒的。Form 5没有毕业,KL没有投靠,家境不宽裕的情况下,他还是有办法闯出自己的一片天。因为他幸运吗?可能吧。可是他的努力,我们看到吗?爸爸也挨过,还挨了不少。从一个Sungkai kampung 出身的爸爸,在30岁买了人生第一辆宾士,有什么秘诀吗?爸爸不会交际,不会说话,不会奉承,不会吹捧。他会的是什么?老实说,我也不知道。可是爸爸可以到今时今日的风光就是他的能力的最好证明了。
Ya, just like that. Just to recall the pass. But while dad was telling us his story, his tone sound calm. He had passed those sorrow days. Dad’s prestigious, we don’t know much about it. He will never tell it, only by chance when we heard something like this about him, we will know that he is great. Doesn’t graduate from form 5, no dependent in KL, tight family economy... Under all these circumstances, he is still able to explore until he own himself a piece of triumph. Is he lucky? Maybe. But his effort, did we saw it? Dad had go through obstacles, a lot of obstacles. He was born in a small village, he rewarded himself his 1st Benz at age 30, are there any secret tips? Dad is not good in communicating, not in talking, not in flattered. So what he is good in? As a daughter, honest speaking, I don’t know. But he does success doesn’t he? That’s the best prove of his ability.

I don’t really like dad when I’m small, I’m not paying respect to him too. Because he will grumbled a lot whenever he saw you! Have you bathed? Have you finished your homework? And etc. This is annoying me. I am not afraid of him neither, I always felt that he is not as majestic as mum. But slowly when I grew up, I realized that compared with afraid or respect, it’s better for me to honor him. Dad always get scold by mum, is this because he is useless or he is a coward? Absolutely no! Mum says:” Try to think about it. Can I defeat your dad? If we really fight, do you think your dad will lose? If his chance of winning is high, why doesn’t he retaliate? Because…Dad is a gentleman.” No doubt, this is what mum told me. This is the true voice from a woman who loves and faces dad a lot. Yes, dad is a gentleman. Man who use violence on woman is those who do nothing success, those who has no expertise, those who has no ability. So, by hitting woman, they think they can prove that there’re male hormones in their blood stream! As a conclusion: They’re crap! Dad has ability, so when his women released temper on him, he just take it easy. He feel that this is the way he loves her, he protects her.

Occasionally, dad will blurb out some ironic sentences that made you unable to respond. Moreover, he is different from the traditional dad. He is coquetry, he likes to follow when we went shopping. He treasured his daughters, wife and daughters are his darlings. Dad is not tyranny. Dad will never show his airs. His ITS OK character makes me easier to approach him. He is a dad, he likes to cook. He is a dad, he enjoy praised of his cooking skill from daughter and wife. He is such a dad. Until now, when he sees you, he will still says:”Have you bathed? You are extremely smelly now but you are still playing games there?!” Whenever he says that, I’ll rush to him, kiss him and enjoy the way he is rubbing his face, grumbling loudly and smiling secretly. Because he is such a dad.

I am lucky that he is not my dad but he can be my dad. I really wished to announce to the whole world: My dad is great! My dad is cute! And! He is MY DAD!

Sorry dad, when CUTE is mentioned, my mind only have this photo…

Dec 11, 2009




昨天傍晚,和宝贝们举行例行的每周运动日后就回家。大概6点吧,妈把我叫去,要我出去买多一架电脑。用途是?他原本的电脑荧幕太小,Farmville不好玩。好!大人的玩具,没关系。而二妹听到妈要买电脑时,眼睛都大了。其实她很早就开始吵要电脑,我一直坚决不让妈买给他。Form 1 的学生要电脑来干嘛?听歌?上网?看戏?还有吗?而她给的借口是?找资料 。拜托!我也读过Form 1,有资料找?过后他也比较收敛了。直到我买了电脑后,他就变本加厉。理直气壮的要求妈买电脑给他,做为他的生日礼物。我买电脑的时候,我坚持自己付款就是因为我不要给他借口说为什么买给大姐而没有买给我。但他也还是不谅解,一味觉得大姐有的,我也该有。妈心软了,我也算了。买就买,买一架便宜的给他当娱乐就好。

DELL,RM2699,INSPIRON 14。昨天买的电脑,妈妈用的。原本妈坚持多买一架给二妹,我不肯。妈就让二妹暂时和他共用,事后再买一架。买了回来,一进家门,二妹就说:“妈!我听到那个salesman讲迟点studio 15 promotion,RM 2499。很值得买!” 我马上打叉,说这架电脑的性能,这个价钱太离谱。唯一的优点就是荧幕很大,看戏很舒服。妈的回答竟然是:“哎呀!买啦!买啦!喜欢就买!订了给钱然后拿咯!” 我就说妹妹这个年纪没有必要买那么贵的电脑,1000++已经可以买到很好的,没有必要浪费那个钱。而当我在说着的当时,二妹就摆出她那张招牌臭脸。妈一看到,马上说:“来,薏!不要紧!妈妈这架给你!” 我真的很生气了!尝试很努力的解释。爸知道我的用心就和妈解释。他根本不要听。我很生气,就走掉了。




我要让他!不可以管他!因为我没有资格!他的任性,你说叫有性格。他的无礼,你说叫有原则。他的固执 ,你说叫有想法。你有多久没有称赞我了?你有多久没有好好看我了?我们有多久没有好好谈谈了?真的很显。。想到你就很显。。你总骄傲的告诉别人你的女儿也是单亲家庭,也是表现的很好。原因是?你付出的时间和你的教育方法。不是因为我会想,更不是因为我的谅解。

我是单亲家庭的孩子,爸爸很疼我,我真的很庆幸。老实说,如果昨晚不是爸爸,我早已经走了 。爸爸,谢谢你。虽然你不是我的爸爸。妮妮,我的小妹,也谢谢你。你的天真让大姐看开不少。虽然我不是你的大姐。二妹,你不爱我管,我不会再管你。可是我想告诉你:如果有一天妈妈走了,你还有爸爸。可是大姐就什么都没有了。不要再离间我们了,好吗?我求你,谢谢。妈咪,你老说你最疼我,生我的时候是因为你真的很想有个孩子。我知道你疼我,你不会宠我也造就了我的独立和坚强。可是你可以偶尔宠宠我吗?我也是女儿,再粗鲁也是会受伤。二妹身子很弱,药可以医。我心灵的脆弱,只有你可以医。你对我要求很高,我知道。所以什么东西都伤害不了我,我知道我不可以在你面前跌倒。可是对着家人,我是没有防备的,一旦受伤,就很难复原。可是我也醒了,我知道我对你是要死心一点了,受伤才不会那么痛。我真的开始失望了。。。




